Saturday, July 19, 2014

35 Tin Can Crafts

Welcome! Finally, we are back in our “craft video content” creating mode (that was a mouthful)… yes, we had a little break and now we are back with avengance.. today we look at Tin Can Crafts – you know, your bake bean  cans or your tuna fish cans? Quite sturdy and strong… with tricky tin can properties – how do you best apply paint? How do you get holes into them? Can you avoid the sharp tin can edges? Well, as in the past, we have created a little video discussing some of these properties and looking at a great set of tin can upcycling ideas. And then, to make it even better, I have scoured the web for more great tin can craft ideas – I have to say, there were more out there than I expected! So, I do hope you ENJOY.

Easy 4th July Cookie Decorating Activity for Kids

I couldn’t resist making these SUPER quick and EASY cookies with the kids. The best part about them, is that you can use plain store bought cookies, or use your family’s favourite basic cookie recipe. And as these 4th July Cookies are so easy to decorate, they make for a great party activity with lots of kids and grown ups. Just stock up on cookies and icing sugar and have fun on the day:

Friday, July 18, 2014

Seaside Shell Windchime Craft

Recently my father (Opapa) was visiting and we decided to head to the seaside in Whitstable for a Sunny Day out. The sound of the waves, crashing on the shore, the crunching of a bebbly beach under foot. The kids adored “finding things” and we spotted lots of little jelly fish, a sea snail (to much excitement, as we love snails generally in our house), some sea glass, shells and lots and lots of stones. A lovely day all round. Whitstable has some great “holey stones” that I have never seen before (apparently you hang them on your backdoor to ward off evil spirits) and I thought they, plus some broken shells would make a great beach/ seaside mobile! We usually NEVER collect broken shells, but for once we were on a mission. I can’t “do” with drilling holes when crafting with the kids, so natural holes it is.

World Cup Crafts – Poppy Cat Finger Football

With the World Cup open us and Football (Soccer!) Fever hitting our school playgrounds and homes, we thought it would be fun to have a little football craft. And it is time to invite Poppy Cat back for a visit. Poppy Cat loves nothing better than playing with all her friends! She loves going to the park, having a picnic and then afterwards having a little kick around with a ball or football. Why not make your own Poppy Cat friends and have a game of Finger Football (or Finger Soccer!!)? Finger Football is great fun

Cute Owl Cupcakes

We love baking with the kids and we love getting crafty in the kitchen… especially when it comes to cookies and cupcakes (have you seen our easy to decorate 4th July Cookies? We had great fun making those). Today we have a “guest post” from Life At The Zoo,  were we LOVE to bake with the kids. I do often wonder whether the kids love baking (over cooking) so much, as they get to lick the spoon. I think they have been rumbled. Anyway, I digress.. here are some gorgeous little Owl Cupcakes. They are easy to make and are perfect for an Owl Party – what a hoot! Or if you are saving ideas for Halloween, these do make GREAT none scary, but relevant Halloween Treats too.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Snail Crafts using Clay

Ok, so today’s kids craft, I would call a little, uhm eccentric.. either you have to LOVE snails, or you have to be looking for an S for Ssssssnail craft (this is indeed a GREAT snail craft for preschoolers) or you are after an easy craft for kids using clay – especially since clay can be a bit tricky for younger kids to handle – but at the same time is great for developing finger strength and fine motor skills (your may love our nature clay sculptures too).. or maybe you are looking for some nature crafts – bing nature indoors. Anyway, I know that our snail craft today, is definitely a little bit, uhm, special!

We had a playdate over when we made these and the (once again “non crafty) playdate loved it (as did his mum). So maybe these little guys are not so quicky after all. Oh… and we got carried away, made a clay die for them an invented a very simple game too.

25 Milk Carton Crafts (or Juice / Tetra pack crafts!)

Finally, it is here.. our Juice Carton or Milk Carton Craft Round Up.. we actually have been working on this for weeks.. but somehow we got side tracked one way or another. But finally, our juice carton video has been made, and we have lots of lovely additional links and milk carton craft ideas to share with you!